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First Solos for the Tuba Player (tb,pf)
Price: 24,90
Not in stock. Delivery time 7-14 days.
* Anchors Aweigh
* Asleep In The Deep
* Battle Hymn Of The Republic
* The Caissons Go Rolling Along
* Carnival Of Venice
* Country Dance (Beethoven)
* Down In The Deep Cellar(Fischer)
* Drinking Song
* Funeral March Of A Marionette
* Gavotte
* The Happy Farmer Returning From Work, Op. 68, No. 10
* Hornpipe
* In The Hall Of The Mountain King
* La Villageoise (Rameau)
* March (Mozart)
* Marine's Hymn
* Oxford Gavotte (S.Kagan)
* Seven Duets
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* The Wild Horseman, Op. 68, No. 8
* Anchors Aweigh
* Asleep In The Deep
* Battle Hymn Of The Republic
* The Caissons Go Rolling Along
* Carnival Of Venice
* Country Dance (Beethoven)
* Down In The Deep Cellar(Fischer)
* Drinking Song
* Funeral March Of A Marionette
* Gavotte
* The Happy Farmer Returning From Work, Op. 68, No. 10
* Hornpipe
* In The Hall Of The Mountain King
* La Villageoise (Rameau)
* March (Mozart)
* Marine's Hymn
* Oxford Gavotte (S.Kagan)
* Seven Duets
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* The Wild Horseman, Op. 68, No. 8