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Compatible Trios for Weddings (fl)
Price: 19,70
Not in stock. Delivery time 7-14 days.
- J.S. Bach: Air on the G-String
- G.F. Handel: Allegro Maestoso from Water Music Suite
- W.A. Mozart: Alleluia from Exsultate, Jubilate, K. 165
- Traditional: Amazing Grace
- L.v.Beethoven: Andante Cantabile from Sonata Pathétique
- J.S. Bach: Arioso from Cantata No. 156
- G.F. Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba from the Oratorio Solomon
- F. Schubert: Ave Maria
- J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (Excerpt from Movement 1)
- R. Wagner: Bridal Chorus from the Opera Lohengrin
- J. Pachelbel: Canon in D
- J.S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring from Cantata No. 147
- G.F. Handel: La Réjouissance from Music from the Royal Fireworks
- L.v.Beethoven: Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9
- C. Franck: Panis Angelicus
- J-J Mouret: Rondeau
- A. Vivaldi: Spring from The Four Seasons (Excerpt from Movement 1)
- H. Purcell: Trumpet Tune
- J. Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary (Prince of Denmark)
- F. Mendelssohn: Wedding March from A Midsummer Nights Dream
- G.F. Handel: Allegro Maestoso from Water Music Suite
- W.A. Mozart: Alleluia from Exsultate, Jubilate, K. 165
- Traditional: Amazing Grace
- L.v.Beethoven: Andante Cantabile from Sonata Pathétique
- J.S. Bach: Arioso from Cantata No. 156
- G.F. Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba from the Oratorio Solomon
- F. Schubert: Ave Maria
- J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (Excerpt from Movement 1)
- R. Wagner: Bridal Chorus from the Opera Lohengrin
- J. Pachelbel: Canon in D
- J.S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring from Cantata No. 147
- G.F. Handel: La Réjouissance from Music from the Royal Fireworks
- L.v.Beethoven: Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9
- C. Franck: Panis Angelicus
- J-J Mouret: Rondeau
- A. Vivaldi: Spring from The Four Seasons (Excerpt from Movement 1)
- H. Purcell: Trumpet Tune
- J. Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary (Prince of Denmark)
- F. Mendelssohn: Wedding March from A Midsummer Nights Dream