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Cantabile - 17 songs arranged for guitar
Price: 18,00
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17 songs by Polish composers (Chopin, Moniuszko, Noskowski, Karłowicz) arranged for guitar
1. Little Matthias (Z. Noskowski)
2. The River (Z. Noskowski)
3. Kittie (S. Moniuszko)
4. Under the Sycamore (M. Karłowicz)
5. Drinking Song (F. Chopin)
6. To a Sorrowful Girl (M. Karłowicz)
7. An Evening Song (S. Moniuszko)
8. A Maiden’s Wish (F. Chopin)
9. Goblin (S. Moniuszko)
10. Onto the Fields (M. Karłowicz)
11. If Somebody Could Love Me Truly (S. Moniuszko)
12. A Spinning Wheel (S. Moniuszko)
13. My Beloved (F. Chopin)
14. A Field Rose (S. Moniuszko)
15. Rusty Leafs (M. Karłowicz)
16. A Fickle Maid (F. Chopin)
17. On a Calm, Dark Sea (M. Karłowicz)
The first arrangements were commissioned by the organizers of the 7th National Guitar Competition “Young Guitar Wizards”. The premiere of the works was undertaken by Maria Korzeniowska at the International Guitar Festival in Lanckorona in July 2024. There is a recording of the composition Under the Sycamore in the author's interpretation.
1. Little Matthias (Z. Noskowski)
2. The River (Z. Noskowski)
3. Kittie (S. Moniuszko)
4. Under the Sycamore (M. Karłowicz)
5. Drinking Song (F. Chopin)
6. To a Sorrowful Girl (M. Karłowicz)
7. An Evening Song (S. Moniuszko)
8. A Maiden’s Wish (F. Chopin)
9. Goblin (S. Moniuszko)
10. Onto the Fields (M. Karłowicz)
11. If Somebody Could Love Me Truly (S. Moniuszko)
12. A Spinning Wheel (S. Moniuszko)
13. My Beloved (F. Chopin)
14. A Field Rose (S. Moniuszko)
15. Rusty Leafs (M. Karłowicz)
16. A Fickle Maid (F. Chopin)
17. On a Calm, Dark Sea (M. Karłowicz)
The first arrangements were commissioned by the organizers of the 7th National Guitar Competition “Young Guitar Wizards”. The premiere of the works was undertaken by Maria Korzeniowska at the International Guitar Festival in Lanckorona in July 2024. There is a recording of the composition Under the Sycamore in the author's interpretation.