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Play Trios! Popular repertoire for strings (2vl,vc)
Price: 30,10
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(Everything I do) I do it for you
Consider yourself/I'd do anything
Mozart/Eine kleine nachtmusik (arr. Jack Long)
Delibes/Flower Duet (from Lakhmé)(arr. Jack Long)
How deep is your love
I have a dream
Lennon&McCartney/Lucy in the sky with diamonds
One note samba
The very tought of you
What can I do
(Everything I do) I do it for you
Consider yourself/I'd do anything
Mozart/Eine kleine nachtmusik (arr. Jack Long)
Delibes/Flower Duet (from Lakhmé)(arr. Jack Long)
How deep is your love
I have a dream
Lennon&McCartney/Lucy in the sky with diamonds
One note samba
The very tought of you
What can I do