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12 Variations on Happy Birthday to You (2 melody instruments)
Price: 19,00
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For all the Birthday Boys and Girls around the World
These variations on “Happy Birthday to You” came about – well, how else – on the occasion of a birthday: A nice colleague of mine was acquainted with an excellent flutist. Her twin sister was friends with a good oboist. So, two birthday girls and two melody instruments – what was more obvious than to write a dozen congratulations for this line-up.
A viola part in viola clef, a part in b-flat transposition and another part in bass clef have been added so that these variations can be performed in a variety of ways (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, soprano saxophone, violin, viola, cello, etc.).
(Ulrich Kaiser, Munich)
These variations on “Happy Birthday to You” came about – well, how else – on the occasion of a birthday: A nice colleague of mine was acquainted with an excellent flutist. Her twin sister was friends with a good oboist. So, two birthday girls and two melody instruments – what was more obvious than to write a dozen congratulations for this line-up.
A viola part in viola clef, a part in b-flat transposition and another part in bass clef have been added so that these variations can be performed in a variety of ways (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, soprano saxophone, violin, viola, cello, etc.).
(Ulrich Kaiser, Munich)