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Improkortit English
Price: 32,00
Not in stock. Delivery time 7-14 days.
With improvisation cards you will be able to improvise and compose small pieces either alone or in a group. You will learn classical music vocabulary and be tempted to create different atmospheres and nuances with your instrument. Have fun!
- 8 interval cards
- 11 character cards
- 11 adjective cards
- 9 tempo and dynamics cards
- 16 material cards
- vocabulary
- games
Age recommendation: For all ages (to be played with a teacher)
Suitability: All instruments
Made by: Karla Suvanto, MMus
- 8 interval cards
- 11 character cards
- 11 adjective cards
- 9 tempo and dynamics cards
- 16 material cards
- vocabulary
- games
Age recommendation: For all ages (to be played with a teacher)
Suitability: All instruments
Made by: Karla Suvanto, MMus