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Poco Piano for Young Children 1 (pf)
Price: 22,00
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Aloittavan pianistin ensimmäinen, iloinen pianokoulu. Sarjan ensimmäinen osa tutustuttaa oppilaan pianon koskettimiin, nuottiviivastoon, nuottiavaimiin, helppoihin aika-arvoihin ja taukoihin. Nuottikuvaan on käytetty muutamia värejä helpottamaan oppimista. Värikkään ja hauskasti kuvitetun kirjan yleisilme on rauhallinen ja selkeä. Englanninkielinen. Saatavilla myös toinen osa, Poco Piano for Young Children 2.
Ying Ying NG
Margaret O'Sullivan Farrel
Book 1 introduces the child to the keyboard, staves, clefs, simple time signatures, note values and rests. Reading encompasses notes to a 5th above and a 5th below Middle C. The notes A and E are introduced first, played by a braced 3rd finger of each hand. This encourages free movement of the whole arm from the shoulder, and develops a natural, balanced hand position, before the 5-finger position is gradually mastered. The first line of the treble stave and the fifth line of the bass stave are highlighted, and further lines are similarly treated as the child learns more notes. Staccato, slurs, ties, upbeats and repeat signs are all experienced in Book 1. Tempo and dynamic markings encourage musical playing, and are in English, in order to avoid knowledge overload.
Ying Ying NG
Margaret O'Sullivan Farrel
Book 1 introduces the child to the keyboard, staves, clefs, simple time signatures, note values and rests. Reading encompasses notes to a 5th above and a 5th below Middle C. The notes A and E are introduced first, played by a braced 3rd finger of each hand. This encourages free movement of the whole arm from the shoulder, and develops a natural, balanced hand position, before the 5-finger position is gradually mastered. The first line of the treble stave and the fifth line of the bass stave are highlighted, and further lines are similarly treated as the child learns more notes. Staccato, slurs, ties, upbeats and repeat signs are all experienced in Book 1. Tempo and dynamic markings encourage musical playing, and are in English, in order to avoid knowledge overload.