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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 (closed 23.12.2024 - 1.1.2025) | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Oxford Hymn Settings 1: Advent and Christmas (org)
Price: 38,00
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David Blackwell: Adeste, fideles (Fantasia)
David Schelat: Adeste, fideles (Pastorale)
Mary Beth Bennett: Antioch
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Besançon/Carol of the Advent
Malcolm Archer: Bristol
Craig Phillips: Carol
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Conditor alme siderum
Malcolm Archer: Cradle Song
Simon Lole: Cranham
Ashley Grote: Cross of Jesus
David Blackwell: Divinum mysterium/Corde natus
Mary Beth Bennett: Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen
David Bednall: Forest Green
Michael Bedford: Gabriel's Message
Michael Bedford: Gloria/Iris
Rebecca Groom te Velde: God rest you merry
A. D. Miller: Go, tell it on the mountain
James Vivian: Helmsley
James Vivian: In dulci jubilo
Philip Moore: Irby
Alan Bullard: Little Cornard
James Biery: Mendelssohn
David Thorne: Merton
David Schelat: Mueller
David Thorne: Noel
Rebecca Groom te Velde: O Jesulein süss
Rebecca Groom te Velde: Personent hodie
Craig Philips: Picardy
Craig Philips: Psalm 42/Genevan
A. D. Miller: St Louis
David Blackwell: St Stephen
Alan Bullard: Stille Nacht
Christopher Tambling: Still, still, still
Ashley Grote: The first Nowell
Philip Moore: Veni Emmanuel
A. D. Miller: Wachet auf
Christopher Tambling: Winchester New
David Blackwell: Winchester Old