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Concerto D KV 537 (26) "Krönungs" (2pf)
Price: 29,00
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This new piano reduction of Mozarts Coronation Concerto K. 537 is based on the music text from the New Mozart Edition and is fully compatible with the already existing performance material (BA 5318).
A separate Urtext solo piano part is included in this piano reduction edition allowing the soloist not only to play the work as customary in recent decades, but also, for the first time since Mozarts era, to improvise above the tutti basses and to conduct the ensemble from the piano.
The new edition is supplemented by a separate booklet containing cadenzas and selected lead-ins by August Eberhard Müller, Carl Reinecke and Max Reger.
Urtext edition based on the New Mozart Edition (NMA)
Separate Urtext solo piano part included
Enclosed booklet with cadenzas
Provides new impetus for period performance practice
A separate Urtext solo piano part is included in this piano reduction edition allowing the soloist not only to play the work as customary in recent decades, but also, for the first time since Mozarts era, to improvise above the tutti basses and to conduct the ensemble from the piano.
The new edition is supplemented by a separate booklet containing cadenzas and selected lead-ins by August Eberhard Müller, Carl Reinecke and Max Reger.
Urtext edition based on the New Mozart Edition (NMA)
Separate Urtext solo piano part included
Enclosed booklet with cadenzas
Provides new impetus for period performance practice