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Easiest Way to Improvise (pf+CD)
Price: 28,34
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Improvisation can seem daunting to classically-trained musicians, who can feel lost without written music to follow. Many people have always wanted to improvise, or find that they have to teach it, but are unsure how to start.
Now the first book in a revolutionary new series brings improvisation within the reach of all players and teachers, even beginners: and there is no-one better to write it than Christopher Norton, composer of the bestselling Microjazz series, with his unrivalled reputation for writing and teaching popular styles.
Christopher Nortons Easiest Way to Improvise promises a new and truly easy approach! Designed for teachers and players who have little or no confidence in improvisation, it reveals the "magic move" that will really transform your "doodlings" into fully fledged performances. Its user-friendly format combines a practical workbook and a fabulous CD resource.
Now the first book in a revolutionary new series brings improvisation within the reach of all players and teachers, even beginners: and there is no-one better to write it than Christopher Norton, composer of the bestselling Microjazz series, with his unrivalled reputation for writing and teaching popular styles.
Christopher Nortons Easiest Way to Improvise promises a new and truly easy approach! Designed for teachers and players who have little or no confidence in improvisation, it reveals the "magic move" that will really transform your "doodlings" into fully fledged performances. Its user-friendly format combines a practical workbook and a fabulous CD resource.