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An Erik Satie Entertainment (pf)
Price: 22,00
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A great selection of Piano music from the ever eccentric Erik Satie. All of the pieces in this volume have been edited and freshly presented from the original printed copies. Works include the celebrated Gymnopedies andAirs A Faire Fuir. Edited by Desmond Ratcliffe.
1. Airs A Faire Fuir
2. Je Te Veux
3. Le Piccadilly
4. Poudre D'or
5. Trois Gnossiennes
6. Trois Gymnopedies
7. Trois Poemes D'amour
8. Trois Sarabandes
1. Airs A Faire Fuir
2. Je Te Veux
3. Le Piccadilly
4. Poudre D'or
5. Trois Gnossiennes
6. Trois Gymnopedies
7. Trois Poemes D'amour
8. Trois Sarabandes