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Duets for fun: Piano (4ms)
Price: 22,00
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Original Works from the Classical to the Modern Era
J.B. Vanhal: Duettino II
J.B. Vanhal: Duettino III
D.G. Türk: Look, It'S Turning in Circles Now
D.G. Türk: Hurry, dear Susanna!
D.G. Türk: I Am so Happy, I Am so glad
D.G. Türk: Minor and Major
W.A. Mozart: That Sounds so Pretty
A. Diabelli: Allegretto
A. Diabelli: Romanza
A. Diabelli: Allegretto
A. Diabelli: Hongroise
A. Diabelli: Alla turca
F. Schubert: Ländler No. 3, 4, 5
R. Schumann: Humming Song
R. Schumann: The Poor Orphan
R. Schumann: The Happy Farmer
C. Gurlitt: Tempo di valse
C. Gurlitt: Con moto
C. Gurlitt: Peasants' Dance
C. Gurlitt: Barcarolle
C. Gurlitt: Gavotte
A. Arensky: Cuckoo
A. Gretchaninoff: In the Meadows, op. 99/1
G.F. Humbert: Barkarole
M. Seiber: Tango
M. Seiber: Blues
E. Pütz: Come Here and Play
E. Pütz: Little Romance
G. Ligeti: Three Wedding Dances
J. Kember: Jazz Waltz
C. Hempel: Eerie Cave Music
J. Moser: For Marija
M. Schoenmehl: Grandpa's Ragtime
M. Schoenmehl: Ripples in the Water
U. Korn: The Publisher's Heartache
U. Korn: Alla Argentina
J.B. Vanhal: Duettino II
J.B. Vanhal: Duettino III
D.G. Türk: Look, It'S Turning in Circles Now
D.G. Türk: Hurry, dear Susanna!
D.G. Türk: I Am so Happy, I Am so glad
D.G. Türk: Minor and Major
W.A. Mozart: That Sounds so Pretty
A. Diabelli: Allegretto
A. Diabelli: Romanza
A. Diabelli: Allegretto
A. Diabelli: Hongroise
A. Diabelli: Alla turca
F. Schubert: Ländler No. 3, 4, 5
R. Schumann: Humming Song
R. Schumann: The Poor Orphan
R. Schumann: The Happy Farmer
C. Gurlitt: Tempo di valse
C. Gurlitt: Con moto
C. Gurlitt: Peasants' Dance
C. Gurlitt: Barcarolle
C. Gurlitt: Gavotte
A. Arensky: Cuckoo
A. Gretchaninoff: In the Meadows, op. 99/1
G.F. Humbert: Barkarole
M. Seiber: Tango
M. Seiber: Blues
E. Pütz: Come Here and Play
E. Pütz: Little Romance
G. Ligeti: Three Wedding Dances
J. Kember: Jazz Waltz
C. Hempel: Eerie Cave Music
J. Moser: For Marija
M. Schoenmehl: Grandpa's Ragtime
M. Schoenmehl: Ripples in the Water
U. Korn: The Publisher's Heartache
U. Korn: Alla Argentina