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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Jazzin' About Piano Anthology
Price: 26,00
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The Jazzin’ About Piano Anthology celebrates Pam Wedgwood’s best-selling series in a collection of the author’s favourite pieces presented progressively for the first time in one volume, from early elementary to intermediate level (Initial-Grade 5). Including six new pieces specially composed for this exciting bumper edition, plus duets and online demonstration audio performed by the composer. So take a break from the classics and get into the groove as you cruise from blues, to rock, to jazz!
Big fat beats
In the groove
In the eyes of a tiger
Turn out the lights
Blues on Broadway
Your first hit single
The ghost of Candlewick Hall
5th Avenue
Tide going out
Tide coming in
Cutting edge
Waltz of the witches
The ballad of Sluefoot Sue
The odd sock
Motorway blues
Jemima Jane
There ain’t no beer in Cow-horn Creek!
Deck the Halls
Rip tide
Take it from here
September song
Pink lady
Bus stop boogie
Good King Wenceslas
Bottle bank boogie
Elite syncopations
On the rocks!
Save the whale waltz
Chocolate car-park
Blow-a-way blues
Steppe on it!
Monty the moocher
Snappy dresser!
Jack in a jukebox
Charley girl
Green is beautiful
Show girl
Big fat beats
In the groove
In the eyes of a tiger
Turn out the lights
Blues on Broadway
Your first hit single
The ghost of Candlewick Hall
5th Avenue
Tide going out
Tide coming in
Cutting edge
Waltz of the witches
The ballad of Sluefoot Sue
The odd sock
Motorway blues
Jemima Jane
There ain’t no beer in Cow-horn Creek!
Deck the Halls
Rip tide
Take it from here
September song
Pink lady
Bus stop boogie
Good King Wenceslas
Bottle bank boogie
Elite syncopations
On the rocks!
Save the whale waltz
Chocolate car-park
Blow-a-way blues
Steppe on it!
Monty the moocher
Snappy dresser!
Jack in a jukebox
Charley girl
Green is beautiful
Show girl