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Easy Concert Pieces (4ms)
Price: 26,00
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for Piano Four Hands / pianolle nelikätisesti
The "Easy Concert Pieces" series contains easy piano pieces that are particularly suitable for performances at music schools, competitions and examinations. The repertoire selection is versatile, offering pieces from the classical, Romantic and modern eras. The volume for piano four hands contains 20 original pieces from four centuries at an easy to intermediate level of difficulty. There are educational play-alongs of all pieces for free download so that each pupil can also play alone with the other part and ideally prepare for making music together.
Funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the special programme NEUSTART KULTUR.
Johann Christian Bach (1735–1782) / Rondo F major / F-Dur / from / aus: Sonata / Sonate, op. 18/6 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) / Allegro D major / D-Dur from / aus: Sonata / Sonate, KV 381 - Franz Schubert (1797–1828) / Military March / Militärmarsch, op. 51/1 - Robert Schumann (1810–1856) / No. 2 Nicht schnell und sehr gesangvoll zu spielen / No. 4 Nicht schnell / from / aus: Pictures from the East / Bilder aus Osten, op. 66 - Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) / No. 1 B major / H-Dur / No. 2 E major / E-Dur / No. 3 G# minor / gis-Moll / No. 11 Bb minor / h-Moll / No. 15 A major / A-Dur / from / aus: Waltzes / Walzer, op. 39
Georges Bizet (1838–1875) / No. 3 La poupée / No. 4 Les chevaux de bois / No. 11 Petit mari, petite femme / from / aus: Jeux d´enfants, op. 22
Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) / No. 1 Berceuse / No. 3 Le jardin de Dolly / from / aus: Dolly-Suite, op. 56 - Moritz Moszkowski (1854–1925) / No. 2 Moderato / from / aus: Spanish Dances / Spanische Tänze, op. 12 - Claude Debussy (1862–1918) / No. 1 En bateau / from / aus: Petite Suite
Paul Hindemith (1895-163) / No. 5 Walzer / from / aus: Drei wunderschöne Mädchen im Schwarzwald, op. 6
György Ligeti (1923–2006) / Allegro / from / aus: Sonatina
Peter Wittrich (*1959) / No. 1 The little Prince from the Asteroid B 612 / Der kleine Prinz vom Asteroiden B 612 / from / aus: The little Prince / Der kleine Prinz
The "Easy Concert Pieces" series contains easy piano pieces that are particularly suitable for performances at music schools, competitions and examinations. The repertoire selection is versatile, offering pieces from the classical, Romantic and modern eras. The volume for piano four hands contains 20 original pieces from four centuries at an easy to intermediate level of difficulty. There are educational play-alongs of all pieces for free download so that each pupil can also play alone with the other part and ideally prepare for making music together.
Funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the special programme NEUSTART KULTUR.
Johann Christian Bach (1735–1782) / Rondo F major / F-Dur / from / aus: Sonata / Sonate, op. 18/6 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791) / Allegro D major / D-Dur from / aus: Sonata / Sonate, KV 381 - Franz Schubert (1797–1828) / Military March / Militärmarsch, op. 51/1 - Robert Schumann (1810–1856) / No. 2 Nicht schnell und sehr gesangvoll zu spielen / No. 4 Nicht schnell / from / aus: Pictures from the East / Bilder aus Osten, op. 66 - Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) / No. 1 B major / H-Dur / No. 2 E major / E-Dur / No. 3 G# minor / gis-Moll / No. 11 Bb minor / h-Moll / No. 15 A major / A-Dur / from / aus: Waltzes / Walzer, op. 39
Georges Bizet (1838–1875) / No. 3 La poupée / No. 4 Les chevaux de bois / No. 11 Petit mari, petite femme / from / aus: Jeux d´enfants, op. 22
Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) / No. 1 Berceuse / No. 3 Le jardin de Dolly / from / aus: Dolly-Suite, op. 56 - Moritz Moszkowski (1854–1925) / No. 2 Moderato / from / aus: Spanish Dances / Spanische Tänze, op. 12 - Claude Debussy (1862–1918) / No. 1 En bateau / from / aus: Petite Suite
Paul Hindemith (1895-163) / No. 5 Walzer / from / aus: Drei wunderschöne Mädchen im Schwarzwald, op. 6
György Ligeti (1923–2006) / Allegro / from / aus: Sonatina
Peter Wittrich (*1959) / No. 1 The little Prince from the Asteroid B 612 / Der kleine Prinz vom Asteroiden B 612 / from / aus: The little Prince / Der kleine Prinz