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20 Ragtimes (pf)
Price: 24,00
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The works of Scott Joplin, probably the most successful ragtime composer, are undoubtedly among the timeless classics and standard works in piano lessons. This volume of the series "Schott Piano Classics" contains a carefully selected compilation of his 20 best-known ragtimes in the original version. In addition, the edition contains a "School of Ragtime" written by Joplin himself, in which the stylistics and special playing techniques of ragtime are explained and illustrated with practical playing exercises.
Original Rags
Maple Leaf Rag
Peacherine Rag
The Easy Winners
Elite Syncopations
The Entertainer
Weeping Willow
Palm Leaf Rag
The Favorite
The Chrysanthemum
The Cascades
The Ragtime Dance
Rose Leaf Rag
Pine Apple Rag
Paragon Rag
Wall Street Rag
Country Club
Euphonic Sounds
Scott Joplin's New Rag
Reflection Rag
Original Rags
Maple Leaf Rag
Peacherine Rag
The Easy Winners
Elite Syncopations
The Entertainer
Weeping Willow
Palm Leaf Rag
The Favorite
The Chrysanthemum
The Cascades
The Ragtime Dance
Rose Leaf Rag
Pine Apple Rag
Paragon Rag
Wall Street Rag
Country Club
Euphonic Sounds
Scott Joplin's New Rag
Reflection Rag