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Little Moods - 15 Easy Pieces for Piano (pf)
Price: 18,00
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Kerstin Strecke (*1961)
Little Moods
15 Easy Pieces for Piano
Little Moods aims to be a building block for versatile piano lessons with children, teenagers and adults. The 15 self-contained, round-sounding miniatures are musically easy to grasp and therefore easy to learn. They are suitable for sight-reading and are especially good for practicing the use of the right pedal. If the one or the other piece is then transposed into other keys in a courageous and experimental way or taken as a starting point for one's own improvisations, the purpose of the collection is more than fulfilled.
01. Enjoy!
02. Bus Stop
03. Friendly Tune
04. Lonely Afternoon
05. Weird Thing
06. Summer Clouds
07. Don't mind
08. Cartoon
09. Foggy Day
10. Little Troubles
11. Pinwheels
12. Street Art
13. A Tender Message
14. Flowing Time
15. Rainbow
Little Moods
15 Easy Pieces for Piano
Little Moods aims to be a building block for versatile piano lessons with children, teenagers and adults. The 15 self-contained, round-sounding miniatures are musically easy to grasp and therefore easy to learn. They are suitable for sight-reading and are especially good for practicing the use of the right pedal. If the one or the other piece is then transposed into other keys in a courageous and experimental way or taken as a starting point for one's own improvisations, the purpose of the collection is more than fulfilled.
01. Enjoy!
02. Bus Stop
03. Friendly Tune
04. Lonely Afternoon
05. Weird Thing
06. Summer Clouds
07. Don't mind
08. Cartoon
09. Foggy Day
10. Little Troubles
11. Pinwheels
12. Street Art
13. A Tender Message
14. Flowing Time
15. Rainbow