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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Bagatellen (pf)
Price: 28,00
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with Bagatelle in A minor WoO 59 "Für Elise"
- Fundamental new edition of Beethoven's Complete Bagatelles based on the latest research
- Further versions of three bagatelles (two of which are published for the first time in print)
- Insightful notes on Viennese piano playing of the Beethoven period (Eng/Ger)
Des Bagatelles op. 33
Bagatelle WoO 59 "Für Elise"
Version 1
Trifles for the Piano Forte op. 119/7–11
The Bagatelles Project 1822/23
Trifles for the Piano Forte op. 119/1–6
Six Bagatelles op. 126
- Fundamental new edition of Beethoven's Complete Bagatelles based on the latest research
- Further versions of three bagatelles (two of which are published for the first time in print)
- Insightful notes on Viennese piano playing of the Beethoven period (Eng/Ger)
Des Bagatelles op. 33
Bagatelle WoO 59 "Für Elise"
Version 1
Trifles for the Piano Forte op. 119/7–11
The Bagatelles Project 1822/23
Trifles for the Piano Forte op. 119/1–6
Six Bagatelles op. 126