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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Secret Garden (pf)
Price: 19,00
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Modern Piano Nocturnes
- 15 recital pieces that evoke nocturnal moods
- Of medium difficulty
- Audio recordings online
The Wisp
The Witch
Dance of the Animated Statues
The Crystal Chamber
The Lake
The Dove
The Ancient Manor
The Kobold
The Nobleman's Carriage
The Morning Star
The Squab
The Storm
Saying Farewell
The Secret Garden
- 15 recital pieces that evoke nocturnal moods
- Of medium difficulty
- Audio recordings online
The Wisp
The Witch
Dance of the Animated Statues
The Crystal Chamber
The Lake
The Dove
The Ancient Manor
The Kobold
The Nobleman's Carriage
The Morning Star
The Squab
The Storm
Saying Farewell
The Secret Garden