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Karelia-suite op 11 (fl,ob,2cl,2fg,cor,cb)(score, parts)
Price: 52,00
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Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)
Karelia Suite Op. 11
Arrangements Duration: 15'
Edition for winds,db. Arranged by Andrew Middleton
Sibelius was a major force in the Finnish national movement and many of his works were inspired by the music and the culture of his homeland. In this transcription, arranger Andrew Middleton aimed to use the instrumental timbres in a way that retains the original patriotic qualities but within a smaller ensemble. The first movement is dominated by the brass with their march-like melody, which emerges dramatically from the fragmented phrases first heard on the horns. In the melancholic second movement, the lyrical qualities of the oboes and bassoons capture the reflective nature of the music. In the rousing final movement “Alla Marcia” of the suite, sweeping arpeggios in the flutes and clarinets come to the fore in the concluding, exhilarating march.
Karelia Suite Op. 11
Arrangements Duration: 15'
Edition for winds,db. Arranged by Andrew Middleton
Sibelius was a major force in the Finnish national movement and many of his works were inspired by the music and the culture of his homeland. In this transcription, arranger Andrew Middleton aimed to use the instrumental timbres in a way that retains the original patriotic qualities but within a smaller ensemble. The first movement is dominated by the brass with their march-like melody, which emerges dramatically from the fragmented phrases first heard on the horns. In the melancholic second movement, the lyrical qualities of the oboes and bassoons capture the reflective nature of the music. In the rousing final movement “Alla Marcia” of the suite, sweeping arpeggios in the flutes and clarinets come to the fore in the concluding, exhilarating march.