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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Verklärte Nacht op 4 (2vl,2vla,2vc)(score)
Price: 28,00
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Alkuperäinen versio (jousisekstetille)(partituuri)
Schönberg composed this piece for string sextet in 1899 after he got inspired by Richard Dehmel's poem "Verklärte Nacht". It premiered 3 years later with the Rosé Quartet, Franz Jelinek and Franz Schmidt as performers. Until today, it ranges among Schönberg's most popular pieces.
Schönberg composed this piece for string sextet in 1899 after he got inspired by Richard Dehmel's poem "Verklärte Nacht". It premiered 3 years later with the Rosé Quartet, Franz Jelinek and Franz Schmidt as performers. Until today, it ranges among Schönberg's most popular pieces.