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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
Let Us Have Music for Violin 1 (Perlman)
Price: 32,00
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Aloha oe
American patrol
Ave Maria
Blue Danube waltz
Carry me back to old Virginny
La cucaracha
Danse macabre (excerpt)
Dark eyes
Dream of love = Liebestraume
Estrellita = My little star
Evening prayer
Famous waltz
Faust (waltz)
Hansel and Gretel (Theme)
The holy city
Home on the range
Hungarian dance no.5
Jeanie with the light brown hair / Foster
Kol Nidre (Ancient Hebrew Melody)
Londonderry Air (Old Irish Folk Song)
The lost chord / Sir Arthur Sullivan
Madrigale / Simonetti
My little Star / Ponce
Nina / Pergolesi
Old black Joe / Foster
On wings of song / Mendelssohn
Romeo and Juliet / Tschaikowsky
The Star-Spangled Banner / Smith
Swing low, sweet chariot (Negro spiritual)
Tales from the Vienna Woods / Strauss
Turkey in the Straw / American Folk Tune
Two Guitars (Russian Gipsy Folk-Song)
Unfinished Symphony / Schubert
Song of the Volga Boatmen (Russian Folk-song)
William tell / Rossini
Aloha oe
American patrol
Ave Maria
Blue Danube waltz
Carry me back to old Virginny
La cucaracha
Danse macabre (excerpt)
Dark eyes
Dream of love = Liebestraume
Estrellita = My little star
Evening prayer
Famous waltz
Faust (waltz)
Hansel and Gretel (Theme)
The holy city
Home on the range
Hungarian dance no.5
Jeanie with the light brown hair / Foster
Kol Nidre (Ancient Hebrew Melody)
Londonderry Air (Old Irish Folk Song)
The lost chord / Sir Arthur Sullivan
Madrigale / Simonetti
My little Star / Ponce
Nina / Pergolesi
Old black Joe / Foster
On wings of song / Mendelssohn
Romeo and Juliet / Tschaikowsky
The Star-Spangled Banner / Smith
Swing low, sweet chariot (Negro spiritual)
Tales from the Vienna Woods / Strauss
Turkey in the Straw / American Folk Tune
Two Guitars (Russian Gipsy Folk-Song)
Unfinished Symphony / Schubert
Song of the Volga Boatmen (Russian Folk-song)
William tell / Rossini