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Rondo (vla,pf)
Price: 27,50
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Sibelius antoi Rondon joululahjaksi langolleen Arvid Järnefeltille, ja se kantaesitetiin Helsingissä vuonna 1894. Rondo on ilmeisesti Sibeliuksen ainoa säilynyt teos alttoviululle ja pianolle.
The first published version of Rondo is a rare gem for viola players. It is composed as a paraphrase based on the finale of Sibelius's Piano Quintet (1890) and it appears to be his only surviving work for viola and piano. It has been edited by pianist Folke Gräsbeck whose editorial comments are included in the score.
The first published version of Rondo is a rare gem for viola players. It is composed as a paraphrase based on the finale of Sibelius's Piano Quintet (1890) and it appears to be his only surviving work for viola and piano. It has been edited by pianist Folke Gräsbeck whose editorial comments are included in the score.