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Fit in 15 Minutes - Warm-Ups and Basic Exercises for Violoncello
Price: 22,00
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Sellolle / for Violoncello
by Walter Mengler
Fit in 15 Minutes is aimed at musicians who do not play much, who never have enough time and wish to maintain and improve their cello technique in a concentrated and efficient quarter-hour, as well as at musicians who play much as beginning of a lengthy practice or rehearsal phase. The exercises contained in this volume range from very easy exercises – some even on open strings only – to short extreme exercises which can be combined to form an individual programme at various levels of difficulty.
by Walter Mengler
Fit in 15 Minutes is aimed at musicians who do not play much, who never have enough time and wish to maintain and improve their cello technique in a concentrated and efficient quarter-hour, as well as at musicians who play much as beginning of a lengthy practice or rehearsal phase. The exercises contained in this volume range from very easy exercises – some even on open strings only – to short extreme exercises which can be combined to form an individual programme at various levels of difficulty.