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Fit in 15 Minutes - Warm-ups and Essential Exercises for Viola
Price: 22,00
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Alttoviululle / for viola
by Benjamin Bergmann & Claudia Bussian
Fit in 15 Minutes is intended for occasional players who are very short of time and want to maintain and improve their viola technique in a concentrated and effective quarter of an hour. They can also be used at the beginning of a longer practice or rehearsal session.
As the technical precondition of beginners and professional violists vary, each exercise is offered in three levels of progressive complexity:
· Level 1: Exercises for beginners
· Level 2: Exercises for advanced players
· Level 3: Exercises for tertiary students and professionals
The division in three levels provides didactic transparency. It is not meant to create boundaries, but serves as a stimulation to identify correlations, to polish basics or to conquer new technical challenges.
by Benjamin Bergmann & Claudia Bussian
Fit in 15 Minutes is intended for occasional players who are very short of time and want to maintain and improve their viola technique in a concentrated and effective quarter of an hour. They can also be used at the beginning of a longer practice or rehearsal session.
As the technical precondition of beginners and professional violists vary, each exercise is offered in three levels of progressive complexity:
· Level 1: Exercises for beginners
· Level 2: Exercises for advanced players
· Level 3: Exercises for tertiary students and professionals
The division in three levels provides didactic transparency. It is not meant to create boundaries, but serves as a stimulation to identify correlations, to polish basics or to conquer new technical challenges.