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Stringendo - Aikamme musiikkia viululle ja pianolle
Price: 34,10
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Contemporary works for violin and piano
Musiikkikustantamo Fennica Gehrmanin 20-vuotisjuhlakokoelma juhlistaa säveltäjiensä luovaa työtä tilausteoksilla viululle ja pianolle.
Kalevi Aho (b. 1949): Le Tombeau de J. K.
Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928-2016): Sydämeni laulu - Song of my heart
Mikko Heiniö (b.1948): Naisten päivä - Women's Day
Jyrki Linjama (b. 1962): De Profundis I
Lotta Wennäkoski (b. 1970): Vestige
Matthew Whittall (b.1975): Waiting to hear
Olli Kortekangas (b. 1955): Capriccietto
Harri Wessman (b.1949): Giocoso
Veli-Matti Puumala (b. 1965): Édera IV
Kimmo Hakola (b.1958): A Double Jubilee
Fennica Gehrman the music publisher pays tribute to its composers with this 20th-anniversary collection of commissions for violin and piano. Stringendo - Contemporary works for violin and piano (2022) is a collection of ten pieces, which vary greatly as regards their genesis. That by Harri Wessman is playful and exhilarating; Mikko Heiniö wrote his on Women's Day, while the duets by Kalevi Aho and Matthew Whittall are tributes to the late Jaakko Kuusisto. Einojuhani Rautavaara is also represented, in an arrangement for violin and piano of his plaintive, melodic Sydämeni laulu (The Song of my Heart). The title of Lotta Wennäkoski's work, Vestige, is a fitting symbol for the whole collection.
Short introductions to the pieces by their composers are included in the collection in English, Finnish, and Swedish.
Musiikkikustantamo Fennica Gehrmanin 20-vuotisjuhlakokoelma juhlistaa säveltäjiensä luovaa työtä tilausteoksilla viululle ja pianolle.
Kalevi Aho (b. 1949): Le Tombeau de J. K.
Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928-2016): Sydämeni laulu - Song of my heart
Mikko Heiniö (b.1948): Naisten päivä - Women's Day
Jyrki Linjama (b. 1962): De Profundis I
Lotta Wennäkoski (b. 1970): Vestige
Matthew Whittall (b.1975): Waiting to hear
Olli Kortekangas (b. 1955): Capriccietto
Harri Wessman (b.1949): Giocoso
Veli-Matti Puumala (b. 1965): Édera IV
Kimmo Hakola (b.1958): A Double Jubilee
Fennica Gehrman the music publisher pays tribute to its composers with this 20th-anniversary collection of commissions for violin and piano. Stringendo - Contemporary works for violin and piano (2022) is a collection of ten pieces, which vary greatly as regards their genesis. That by Harri Wessman is playful and exhilarating; Mikko Heiniö wrote his on Women's Day, while the duets by Kalevi Aho and Matthew Whittall are tributes to the late Jaakko Kuusisto. Einojuhani Rautavaara is also represented, in an arrangement for violin and piano of his plaintive, melodic Sydämeni laulu (The Song of my Heart). The title of Lotta Wennäkoski's work, Vestige, is a fitting symbol for the whole collection.
Short introductions to the pieces by their composers are included in the collection in English, Finnish, and Swedish.