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Viola Playing 1 (vla)
Price: 19,20
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Viola Playing on uusi, selkeä alttoviulukoulu aloittelijoista jo pidemmälle edistyneisiin. Saatavana vihkot 1-5.
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Viola Playing One introduces Finger Pattern No 1, with all four fingers, detached bowing, slurring and crossing strings, one-octave major scales & arpeggios with rhythmic variations.
All the pieces in Books One & Two are written for, or arranged as, duets for viola and violin giving a more pleasing registration of sound and based on the assumption that viola teachers also play the violin. However the teacher parts can also be played on the viola. Music-making therefore flows naturally and is easily accomplished. The playing of duets promotes a confidence in the student and adds to the enjoyment of lessons.
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Viola Playing One introduces Finger Pattern No 1, with all four fingers, detached bowing, slurring and crossing strings, one-octave major scales & arpeggios with rhythmic variations.
All the pieces in Books One & Two are written for, or arranged as, duets for viola and violin giving a more pleasing registration of sound and based on the assumption that viola teachers also play the violin. However the teacher parts can also be played on the viola. Music-making therefore flows naturally and is easily accomplished. The playing of duets promotes a confidence in the student and adds to the enjoyment of lessons.
![Viola Playing 1 (vla)](/uploads/tx_ostinato/WAV011.jpg)