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Viola Playing 3 (vla)
Price: 19,90
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Viola Playing on uusi, selkeä alttoviulukoulu aloittelijoista jo pidemmälle edistyneisiin. Saatavana vihkot 1-5.
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Viola Playing Three introduces third position and second position, further development of scales & arpeggios and chromatics, together with martelato bowing and re-taking the bow. There are many original teacher/pupil duets throughout. The duets in Books Four & Five are now for two violas.
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Viola Playing Three introduces third position and second position, further development of scales & arpeggios and chromatics, together with martelato bowing and re-taking the bow. There are many original teacher/pupil duets throughout. The duets in Books Four & Five are now for two violas.