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Viola Playing 4 (vla)
Price: 22,80
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Viola Playing on uusi, selkeä alttoviulukoulu aloittelijoista jo pidemmälle edistyneisiin. Saatavana vihkot 1-5.
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Viola Playing Four introduces fourth, fifth and sixth positions, the development of the bowing technique including string crossing, staccato, spiccato and the development of the fingers on the bow together with further chromatics, left hand stretches and general facility. There are many original teacher/pupil duets throughout. The duets in Books Four & Five are now for two violas.
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Viola Playing Four introduces fourth, fifth and sixth positions, the development of the bowing technique including string crossing, staccato, spiccato and the development of the fingers on the bow together with further chromatics, left hand stretches and general facility. There are many original teacher/pupil duets throughout. The duets in Books Four & Five are now for two violas.
![Viola Playing 4 (vla)](/uploads/tx_ostinato/WAV014.jpg)