
How to Write for Percussion (2nd Edition)(paperback)

I 9780199920365
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Kokeneen lyömäsoittajan käytännöllinen opas säveltäjille, jotka haluavat ruohonjuuritason tietoa siitä, miten lyömäsoittimille kirjoitetaan toimivaa satsia.


1. General Logistics
explores issues of movement, instrument choice, instrument setup, concert production, and sound production. These are the often overlooked concerns which significantly influence the success of the composition.

2. General Notation
details the key notational concepts for percussion writing, including guidelines for how to create parts and scores, how to set up a notational system for multi-percussion setups, and how to deal with articulation, phrasing, note length, and special effects.

3. Beaters
describes each beater, its specific uses, special effects, and issues of changing beaters within a piece.

4. Tone Color
discusses the physical factors that can be used to manipulate timbre on all percussion instruments.

The following five chapters discuss specific types of instruments:

5. Drums

6. Keyboard Percussion

7. Metal

8. Unpitched Wood

9. Miscellaneous Instruments

Drums, Keyboard Percussion, Metal, and Wood deal with instruments that are struck. Miscellaneous Instruments deals with instruments that are scraped, cranked, shaken, and blown through, as well as some struck instruments that do not fit into the other categories.

The five appendices expand and reinforce the concepts detailed in the rest of the book.

A. Sample Setups B. Scores with Comments C. Beaters D. Dynamics E. Suggested Works

A. Sample Setups is a collection of instrument lists with their corresponding setup diagrams and instrument keys.

B. Scores with Comments presents excerpts from real scores with comments that elaborate upon important logistcal and notational issues.

C. Beaters charts the appropriateness of various beaters on various instruments.

D. Dynamics charts the relative dynamics of various instruments struck with various beaters.

E. Suggested Works is an annotated list of works that use percussion well.
How to Write for Percussion (2nd Edition)(paperback)