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Open Mon-Fi 11-18 | tel. +358 20 7070 443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 Helsinki |
10 Duets vol 1 (2cto,pf)
Price: 19,40
Not in stock. Delivery time 7-14 days.
Lost is my quiet forever (C - A flat) and (G (B flat) - E flat)
My dearest, my fairest (D - F) and (C - D)
Shepherd, shepherd leave decoying (F - F) and (E - D sharp)
Sound the trumpet (E - G) and (C - D)
Two daughters of this aged stream are we (D - A flat) and (D - G)
We the spirits of the air (D - F) and (C - D)