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Women of Our World - Intercultural Choirbook for Women's Voices (SSA)
Price: 22,80
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The choirbook Women of Our World is more than a simple song collection: In easy two- to three-part arrangements for womens voices, 40 pieces in 25 different languages from more than 30 countries are gathered here. Singable transcriptions for each piece as well as pronunciation guides and translations in the appendix enable an immediate access. Introductory texts inform on the origin and cultural background of the songs; chord symbols allow an instrumental accompaniment, too.
Unique for choirbooks of this kind though are the contributions from women of international origin living in Germany; they are presented in portraits and describe their personal relation to singing in a choir. Women of Our World is the result of the yearslong work of editor Hayat Chaoui with international song repertoire as choir leader, singer and consultant.
01. Üsküdara gider iken (Kâtibim) (Türkei | Turkey / International)
02. Jane Maryam (Farsi, Persien | Persia (Iran) )
03. Yalo, yalo (Griechenland | Greece)
04. Sidi hbibi fin huwa (Arabisch, Algerien | Arabic, Algeria)
05. Chinar es (Armenien | Armenia)
06. Lamma bada yatathanna (Arabisch, Syrien | Arabic, Syria)
07. Shekare ahu (Farsi, Persien | Persia (Iran))
08. Ah ya zein (Ostarabischer Raum | Eastern Arabian)
09. Ciuri, ciuri (Italien | Italy)
10. Ya bente bladi (Arabisch, Marokko | Arabic, Morocco)
11. Bobo waro (Yoruba, Nigeria)
12. Ode an die Freude (Deutschland | Germany)
13. Plantons la vigne (Frankreich | France)
14. Mo li hua (Mandarin, China)
15. Tamzaradan gece geçtim (Türkei | Turkey)
16. Nei djana (Panjabi, Indien | Punjabi, India)
17. Xian qi ni de gai tou lai (Mandarin, China)
18. Ewah wah James (Pidgin, Kamerun | Cameroon)
19. Gosari desari ghotsa (Korea)
20. Dalar gibi dalgalar (Türkei | Turkey)
21. Samiotissa (Griechenland | Greece)
22. Olele (Lingála, D. R. Kongo | D.R. Congo)
23. Gelin Ayem (Türkei | Turkey)
24. Valicha (Quechua/Spanisch | Spanish, Peru)
25. Der Mond ist aufgegangen (Deutschland | Germany)
26. Salam mawlana (Arabisch, Irak | Arabic, Iraq)
27. O bella, ciao (Italien | Italy)
28. Die Gedanken sind frei (Deutschland | Germany)
29. El helwa di (Arabisch, Ägypten | Arabic, Egypt)
30. This Little Light of Mine (Englisch | English, USA)
31. Malaika (Suaheli, Kenia/Tansania | Swahili, Kenya/Tanzania)
32. La Sandunga (Spanisch, Mexiko | Spanish, Mexico)
33. Hej, sokoy (Polnisch, Polen/Ukraine | Polish, Poland/Ukraine)
34. Tonkaya ryabina (Russland | Russia)
35. Arix dibên li (Kurdisch | Kurdish)
36. Summr sevat (Tschuwaschien | Chuvashia)
37. Hov arek (Armenien | Armenia)
38. Nád a házam teteje (Ungarn | Hungary)
39. Grânele vara se coc (Rumänien | Romania)
40. Mayn rueplats (Jiddisch | Yiddish (USA))
Unique for choirbooks of this kind though are the contributions from women of international origin living in Germany; they are presented in portraits and describe their personal relation to singing in a choir. Women of Our World is the result of the yearslong work of editor Hayat Chaoui with international song repertoire as choir leader, singer and consultant.
01. Üsküdara gider iken (Kâtibim) (Türkei | Turkey / International)
02. Jane Maryam (Farsi, Persien | Persia (Iran) )
03. Yalo, yalo (Griechenland | Greece)
04. Sidi hbibi fin huwa (Arabisch, Algerien | Arabic, Algeria)
05. Chinar es (Armenien | Armenia)
06. Lamma bada yatathanna (Arabisch, Syrien | Arabic, Syria)
07. Shekare ahu (Farsi, Persien | Persia (Iran))
08. Ah ya zein (Ostarabischer Raum | Eastern Arabian)
09. Ciuri, ciuri (Italien | Italy)
10. Ya bente bladi (Arabisch, Marokko | Arabic, Morocco)
11. Bobo waro (Yoruba, Nigeria)
12. Ode an die Freude (Deutschland | Germany)
13. Plantons la vigne (Frankreich | France)
14. Mo li hua (Mandarin, China)
15. Tamzaradan gece geçtim (Türkei | Turkey)
16. Nei djana (Panjabi, Indien | Punjabi, India)
17. Xian qi ni de gai tou lai (Mandarin, China)
18. Ewah wah James (Pidgin, Kamerun | Cameroon)
19. Gosari desari ghotsa (Korea)
20. Dalar gibi dalgalar (Türkei | Turkey)
21. Samiotissa (Griechenland | Greece)
22. Olele (Lingála, D. R. Kongo | D.R. Congo)
23. Gelin Ayem (Türkei | Turkey)
24. Valicha (Quechua/Spanisch | Spanish, Peru)
25. Der Mond ist aufgegangen (Deutschland | Germany)
26. Salam mawlana (Arabisch, Irak | Arabic, Iraq)
27. O bella, ciao (Italien | Italy)
28. Die Gedanken sind frei (Deutschland | Germany)
29. El helwa di (Arabisch, Ägypten | Arabic, Egypt)
30. This Little Light of Mine (Englisch | English, USA)
31. Malaika (Suaheli, Kenia/Tansania | Swahili, Kenya/Tanzania)
32. La Sandunga (Spanisch, Mexiko | Spanish, Mexico)
33. Hej, sokoy (Polnisch, Polen/Ukraine | Polish, Poland/Ukraine)
34. Tonkaya ryabina (Russland | Russia)
35. Arix dibên li (Kurdisch | Kurdish)
36. Summr sevat (Tschuwaschien | Chuvashia)
37. Hov arek (Armenien | Armenia)
38. Nád a házam teteje (Ungarn | Hungary)
39. Grânele vara se coc (Rumänien | Romania)
40. Mayn rueplats (Jiddisch | Yiddish (USA))