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Voice School 1 (book+CD)
Price: 26,00
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International Edition (English - español - suomi), kirja + CD
Sisältää kappaleiden sanat englanniksi, espanjaksi ja suomeksi!
Säestyskirja saatavilla erikseen (tuotekoodi ALF 47842). / The piano accompaniment book is sold separately (product code ALF 47842).
Teach voice with the popular Suzuki Voice School! The Suzuki Method® of Talent Education is based on Shinichi Suzuki's view that every child is born with ability, and that people are the product of their environment. According to Shinichi Suzuki, a world-renowned violinist and teacher, the greatest joy an adult can know comes from developing a child's potential so he/she can express all that is harmonious and best in human beings. Students are taught using the "mother-tongue" approach. Each series of books for a particular instrument in the Suzuki Method is considered a Suzuki music school, such as the Suzuki Voice School. Suzuki lessons are generally given in a private studio setting with additional group lessons. The student listens to the recordings and work with their Suzuki voice teacher to develop their potential as a musician and as a person.
Contents / Sisältö:
Songs for Children / Canciones para los ninos / Lapset laulavat
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Folk Song) * Tuiki, tuiki tähtönen
Cindy Went to Shower (Folk Song) * Satu meni saunaan
Circle Song (Folk Song) * Piiri pieni pyörii
Honeybee (Folk Song) * Mehiläinen
Mary Had a Little Lamb (Folk Song) * Maijall' oli karitsa
Cuckoo (Folk Song) * Käki
The Bunny Family (M.R. Väkevä) * Pupuperhe
Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Soutelulaulu
A Cat and a Giant (Folk Song) * Kissa ja jättiläinen
Long, Long Ago (T.H. Bayly, Lyrics by M. Louhi) * Kauaksi pois
The Fox is Crying (Folk Song) * Kettu itsi poikiainsa
Songs for Parents / Canciones para los padres / Vanhemmat laulavat lapsilleen
Cradle Song - Mozart's Lullaby (F. Fleischmann) * Kehtolaulu (Mozartin kehtolaulu)
Squirrel Song (P.J. Hannikainen) * Oravan pesä
A Guess (Folk Song) * Arvoitus
Wild Mice Song (Folk Song) * Juoksee metsähiiroset
Baking Song (Folk Song) * Pulla
Traffic Lights (Folk Song) * On valo vihreä
The Ski Jumping Bunny Boy (G. Malmstén) * Jänöjussin mäenlasku
Goodbye Song (Folk Song) * Nyt on laulut laulettu
Rockabye Baby (Folk Song) * Aa tuuti lasta
Zulu Lullaby (Folk Song) * Zulujen kehtolaulu
Iroquois Lullaby (Folk Song) * Irokeesien kehtolaulu
All the Pretty Little Horses (Folk Song)* Kaikki kauniit pikkuhepat
Sisältää kappaleiden sanat englanniksi, espanjaksi ja suomeksi!
Säestyskirja saatavilla erikseen (tuotekoodi ALF 47842). / The piano accompaniment book is sold separately (product code ALF 47842).
Teach voice with the popular Suzuki Voice School! The Suzuki Method® of Talent Education is based on Shinichi Suzuki's view that every child is born with ability, and that people are the product of their environment. According to Shinichi Suzuki, a world-renowned violinist and teacher, the greatest joy an adult can know comes from developing a child's potential so he/she can express all that is harmonious and best in human beings. Students are taught using the "mother-tongue" approach. Each series of books for a particular instrument in the Suzuki Method is considered a Suzuki music school, such as the Suzuki Voice School. Suzuki lessons are generally given in a private studio setting with additional group lessons. The student listens to the recordings and work with their Suzuki voice teacher to develop their potential as a musician and as a person.
Contents / Sisältö:
Songs for Children / Canciones para los ninos / Lapset laulavat
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Folk Song) * Tuiki, tuiki tähtönen
Cindy Went to Shower (Folk Song) * Satu meni saunaan
Circle Song (Folk Song) * Piiri pieni pyörii
Honeybee (Folk Song) * Mehiläinen
Mary Had a Little Lamb (Folk Song) * Maijall' oli karitsa
Cuckoo (Folk Song) * Käki
The Bunny Family (M.R. Väkevä) * Pupuperhe
Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Soutelulaulu
A Cat and a Giant (Folk Song) * Kissa ja jättiläinen
Long, Long Ago (T.H. Bayly, Lyrics by M. Louhi) * Kauaksi pois
The Fox is Crying (Folk Song) * Kettu itsi poikiainsa
Songs for Parents / Canciones para los padres / Vanhemmat laulavat lapsilleen
Cradle Song - Mozart's Lullaby (F. Fleischmann) * Kehtolaulu (Mozartin kehtolaulu)
Squirrel Song (P.J. Hannikainen) * Oravan pesä
A Guess (Folk Song) * Arvoitus
Wild Mice Song (Folk Song) * Juoksee metsähiiroset
Baking Song (Folk Song) * Pulla
Traffic Lights (Folk Song) * On valo vihreä
The Ski Jumping Bunny Boy (G. Malmstén) * Jänöjussin mäenlasku
Goodbye Song (Folk Song) * Nyt on laulut laulettu
Rockabye Baby (Folk Song) * Aa tuuti lasta
Zulu Lullaby (Folk Song) * Zulujen kehtolaulu
Iroquois Lullaby (Folk Song) * Irokeesien kehtolaulu
All the Pretty Little Horses (Folk Song)* Kaikki kauniit pikkuhepat