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arr. Klomp
6 Christmas Carols (choir,congregation,organ)
Price: 20,00
In stock
This small but perfectly formed collection enables atmospheric Christmas musicmaking – together with the congregation, if desired – without the need for lengthy rehearsals. Your next Christmas concert can be transformed into a moving shared community experience!
The collection contains arrangements of five well-known carols along with a newly written Gloria. Carsten Klomp has arranged individual verses as variations with differing scoring, so that the songs can be performed together by congregation (melody), choir (descant, or optionally as a solo or an instrumental) and organ. Depending on requirements a version for a one to two voice choir with organ or simply for congregation and organ is also possible. The organ parts for each song are appealing, with a prelude and an accompaniment which varies from verse to verse. The choir can be single or mixed voice (medium to higher range); a children’s or youth choir could also be included. The texts of the songs are presented in two variant forms, following the German Protestant and Catholic hymnbooks, so that the songs can be used in both Protestant and Catholic contexts.
Christmas carols for choir and congregation
Light and effective
Animates the audience to sing along
The collection contains arrangements of five well-known carols along with a newly written Gloria. Carsten Klomp has arranged individual verses as variations with differing scoring, so that the songs can be performed together by congregation (melody), choir (descant, or optionally as a solo or an instrumental) and organ. Depending on requirements a version for a one to two voice choir with organ or simply for congregation and organ is also possible. The organ parts for each song are appealing, with a prelude and an accompaniment which varies from verse to verse. The choir can be single or mixed voice (medium to higher range); a children’s or youth choir could also be included. The texts of the songs are presented in two variant forms, following the German Protestant and Catholic hymnbooks, so that the songs can be used in both Protestant and Catholic contexts.
Christmas carols for choir and congregation
Light and effective
Animates the audience to sing along