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Choral Music Composed by Women (SATB)
Price: 29,00
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47 Compositions for Coro SATB
A real novelty in the German-speaking world, Choral Music Composed by Women features a total of 47 works for mixed choir.
Women composers have always made significant contributions to the choral repertoire. Numerous hidden gems for mixed choir are ready and waiting to be performed in concerts and church services. This choral collection spotlights female composers from Europe, North and South America and Israel, ranging from the Renaissance period to young composers of the present day. Many were pioneers of their time, who fought against strong opposition for acceptance as professional composers. You will discover beautiful sacred and secular works in a variety of styles from psalm settings, madrigals and romantic choral songs to experimental pieces, spirituals, canons and simple songs for choral events and community singing as well as contemporary music for chamber choirs. Mostly based on English or German texts, the works deal with a wide spectrum of themes, even reflecting current social issues. A fascinating repertoire from five centuries of music-making that features many unfamiliar names!
47 sacred and secular compositions for SATB choir, some works are divisi and some with organ/piano accompaniment
45 women composers born between 1540 and 2000
Most pieces of easy to moderate difficulty; only a few divisi passages for male voices
Featuring commissioned works and pieces published for the first time
Most texts in English or German
From madrigals to simple songs for community singing
Separate editions available in print and digital form
A real novelty in the German-speaking world, Choral Music Composed by Women features a total of 47 works for mixed choir.
Women composers have always made significant contributions to the choral repertoire. Numerous hidden gems for mixed choir are ready and waiting to be performed in concerts and church services. This choral collection spotlights female composers from Europe, North and South America and Israel, ranging from the Renaissance period to young composers of the present day. Many were pioneers of their time, who fought against strong opposition for acceptance as professional composers. You will discover beautiful sacred and secular works in a variety of styles from psalm settings, madrigals and romantic choral songs to experimental pieces, spirituals, canons and simple songs for choral events and community singing as well as contemporary music for chamber choirs. Mostly based on English or German texts, the works deal with a wide spectrum of themes, even reflecting current social issues. A fascinating repertoire from five centuries of music-making that features many unfamiliar names!
47 sacred and secular compositions for SATB choir, some works are divisi and some with organ/piano accompaniment
45 women composers born between 1540 and 2000
Most pieces of easy to moderate difficulty; only a few divisi passages for male voices
Featuring commissioned works and pieces published for the first time
Most texts in English or German
From madrigals to simple songs for community singing
Separate editions available in print and digital form