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Motets (SATB,pf(org ad lib)
Price: 32,50
Not in stock. Delivery time 7-14 days.
Motets is a set of intimate and spiritually uplifting a cappella choral works by Karl Jenkins, featuring new pieces and arrangements of a selection of movements from his most popular works, including The Armed Man, Requiem, Adiemus and The Peacemakers.
Although scored for mixed choir a cappella, most pieces include an optional accompaniment for piano or organ. Additionally the single movements of Motets are available available on sale separately. Motets was recorded on Deutsche Grammophon 0289 479 3232 by Stephen Layton and Polyphony.
- Ill Make Music (from Gloria)
- Cantate Domino (from Adiemus: Songs Of Sanctury)
- Laudamus te (from Gloria)
- Benedictus (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- The Shepherd (from The Healer: A Cantata for St Luke)
- Ave Maria (from Adiemus: Songs Of Sanctury)
- Ave verum corpus (from Stabat mater)
- Agnus Dei (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- Healing Light (from The Peacemakers)
- Locus iste (from The Peacemakers)
- Pie Jesu (from Requiem)
- Exsultate, jubilate (from Reuqiem)
- God Shall Wipe Away All Tears (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- And The Mother Did Weep (from Stabat mater)
- Lullay (from Stella natalis)
- Peace, peace! (from The Peacemakers)
- In paradisum (from Requiem)
- Dona nobis pacem (from The Peacemakers)
- Nunc dimittis (from The Healer: A Cantata For St Luke)
Although scored for mixed choir a cappella, most pieces include an optional accompaniment for piano or organ. Additionally the single movements of Motets are available available on sale separately. Motets was recorded on Deutsche Grammophon 0289 479 3232 by Stephen Layton and Polyphony.
- Ill Make Music (from Gloria)
- Cantate Domino (from Adiemus: Songs Of Sanctury)
- Laudamus te (from Gloria)
- Benedictus (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- The Shepherd (from The Healer: A Cantata for St Luke)
- Ave Maria (from Adiemus: Songs Of Sanctury)
- Ave verum corpus (from Stabat mater)
- Agnus Dei (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- Healing Light (from The Peacemakers)
- Locus iste (from The Peacemakers)
- Pie Jesu (from Requiem)
- Exsultate, jubilate (from Reuqiem)
- God Shall Wipe Away All Tears (from The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace)
- And The Mother Did Weep (from Stabat mater)
- Lullay (from Stella natalis)
- Peace, peace! (from The Peacemakers)
- In paradisum (from Requiem)
- Dona nobis pacem (from The Peacemakers)
- Nunc dimittis (from The Healer: A Cantata For St Luke)