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33 Spirituals for upper Voices (SA,pf)
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Spirituals for upper voices - 80 vivahteikasta sovitusta nais- tai nuorisokuorolle
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Jacob's ladder
We are climbing Jacob's Ladder
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Open the window
Open the window Noah, let the dove come in
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Go down Moses
When Israel was in Egypt's Land
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Wade in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
If I could
If I could I surely would
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Little David
Little David, play on your harp
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Mary had a baby
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Go tell it
Go tell it on the mountain
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Those cruel people hammering
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Were you there
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
A mumblin' word
They crucified my Lord
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Sweet music
Jesus is risen from the dead
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
King of kings
He is King of kings, he is Lord of lords
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
When the saints
O when the saints go marching in
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
My Lord
My Lord, what a mourning
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Nobody knows
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Lonseome valley
Jesus walked this lonesome valley
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Hard trials
O the foxes have holes in the ground
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
O sinner man
O sinner man, where you gonna run to
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
It's me, O Lord
It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Steal away
Steal away to Jesus
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
Librettist: Newton, John
Composer / Author: Graham, E. B.
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
This world
This world is not my home
Librettist: Burton, S. D.
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
The whole world
He's got the whole world in his hands
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Good news
Good news, chariot's a-coming
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Swing low
Swing low, sweet chariot
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Michael row
Michael row the boat ashore
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Deep river
My home is over Jordan
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Roll Jordan
Roll Jordan, roll
Composer / Author: Bland, James
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Golden slippers
O dem golden slippers
Librettist: Bland, James
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
O happy day
When Jesus washed my sins away
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Jacob's ladder
We are climbing Jacob's Ladder
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Open the window
Open the window Noah, let the dove come in
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Go down Moses
When Israel was in Egypt's Land
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Wade in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
If I could
If I could I surely would
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Little David
Little David, play on your harp
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Mary had a baby
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Go tell it
Go tell it on the mountain
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Those cruel people hammering
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Were you there
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
A mumblin' word
They crucified my Lord
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Sweet music
Jesus is risen from the dead
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
King of kings
He is King of kings, he is Lord of lords
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
When the saints
O when the saints go marching in
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
My Lord
My Lord, what a mourning
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Nobody knows
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Lonseome valley
Jesus walked this lonesome valley
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Hard trials
O the foxes have holes in the ground
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
O sinner man
O sinner man, where you gonna run to
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
It's me, O Lord
It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Steal away
Steal away to Jesus
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
Librettist: Newton, John
Composer / Author: Graham, E. B.
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
This world
This world is not my home
Librettist: Burton, S. D.
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
The whole world
He's got the whole world in his hands
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Good news
Good news, chariot's a-coming
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Swing low
Swing low, sweet chariot
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Michael row
Michael row the boat ashore
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Deep river
My home is over Jordan
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Roll Jordan
Roll Jordan, roll
Composer / Author: Bland, James
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
Golden slippers
O dem golden slippers
Librettist: Bland, James
Arranger: Buckland, Graham
O happy day
When Jesus washed my sins away