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Two's Company - 16 Little Duets op 157b (2cl)
Price: 22,00
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16 fun duets for two equal instruments
by Christopher Wiggins
1. Steppin' Out
2. Summertime
3. Dreaming
4. Movin' Along
5. Hungarian Melody
6. On The Seashore
7. Promenading
8. Sword Dance
9. Carousel
10. Two-Step
11. Nocturne
12. Song
13. Slumber Song
14. Clouds
15. March
16. Troubadour's Song
16 fun duets for two equal instruments
by Christopher Wiggins
1. Steppin' Out
2. Summertime
3. Dreaming
4. Movin' Along
5. Hungarian Melody
6. On The Seashore
7. Promenading
8. Sword Dance
9. Carousel
10. Two-Step
11. Nocturne
12. Song
13. Slumber Song
14. Clouds
15. March
16. Troubadour's Song