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Hit Movie & TV Instrumental Solos (tsax,pf+CD)
Price: 20,60
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The CD includes a fully orchestrated demo track of each song, which features a live instrumental solo performance, followed by a play-along track. Also included are PDFs of piano accompaniments, and Alfred's Tempo Changer Software.
Amazons of Themyscira (Wonder Woman) * Another Day of Sun (La La Land) * Beauty and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) * City of Stars (La La Land) * Everything Is Awesome (The LEGO® Batman Movie) * Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters) * Heathens (Suicide Squad) * Just Like Fire (Alice Through the Looking Glass) * Kowalski Rag (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * A Man and His Beasts (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * Mia & Sebastian's Theme (La La Land) * Newt Says Goodbye to Tina / Jacob's Bakery (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * Runnin' Home to You (The Flash) * Westworld: Opening Theme (Westworld).
Amazons of Themyscira (Wonder Woman) * Another Day of Sun (La La Land) * Beauty and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) * City of Stars (La La Land) * Everything Is Awesome (The LEGO® Batman Movie) * Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters) * Heathens (Suicide Squad) * Just Like Fire (Alice Through the Looking Glass) * Kowalski Rag (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * A Man and His Beasts (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * Mia & Sebastian's Theme (La La Land) * Newt Says Goodbye to Tina / Jacob's Bakery (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) * Runnin' Home to You (The Flash) * Westworld: Opening Theme (Westworld).