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A Christmas Celebration for Organ
Hinta: 26,90
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
16 seasonal pieces for organ from some of our finest composers. For use at Christmas services and concerts or simply to enjoy alone,these will broadly appeal to organists and congregations alike.
A Christmas Pastorale - Malcolm McKelvey
A Gallery Carol - Andrew Fletcher
A Partridge in a Pear Tree - Quentin Thomas
Angel of Peace - Malcolm Archer
Carillon on 'Quittez, pasteurs' - Rosalie Bonighton
Christmas Postlude - Richard Lloyd
Cradle Song - Richard Shephard
Dans cette étable - Norman Warren
Et incarnatus est - Andrew Wright
Gloria - François Couperin
Kyrie de la Messe de Noël - César Franck
Let the Merry Organ Sound - Colin Mawby
Mary's Lullaby - Christopher Tambling
Noël - Sigfrid Karg-Elert
The Shepherd's Lullaby - Andrew Moore
We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Noel Rawsthorne
A Christmas Pastorale - Malcolm McKelvey
A Gallery Carol - Andrew Fletcher
A Partridge in a Pear Tree - Quentin Thomas
Angel of Peace - Malcolm Archer
Carillon on 'Quittez, pasteurs' - Rosalie Bonighton
Christmas Postlude - Richard Lloyd
Cradle Song - Richard Shephard
Dans cette étable - Norman Warren
Et incarnatus est - Andrew Wright
Gloria - François Couperin
Kyrie de la Messe de Noël - César Franck
Let the Merry Organ Sound - Colin Mawby
Mary's Lullaby - Christopher Tambling
Noël - Sigfrid Karg-Elert
The Shepherd's Lullaby - Andrew Moore
We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Noel Rawsthorne