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Tunes for my Piano Trio 1 (Nelson)
Hinta: 29,00
Easy music to encourage ensemble playing from the earliest stages from the world-famous string teacher Sheila Nelson. Designed to give beginners their first taste of group playing.
Handel: Air
Pleyel: Andante
Beethoven: Bagatelle op.119
Nelson: Close Conference
Nelson: Come and See
Mozart: Contredanse from Divertimento K. 213
Nelson: End of the Day
trad.: Geathering Peascods
Nelson: Hunting in Pairs
trad.: Jeanie's Blue E'en
Nelson: Sailing South
Huws Jones: Seal Song
Handel: Air
Pleyel: Andante
Beethoven: Bagatelle op.119
Nelson: Close Conference
Nelson: Come and See
Mozart: Contredanse from Divertimento K. 213
Nelson: End of the Day
trad.: Geathering Peascods
Nelson: Hunting in Pairs
trad.: Jeanie's Blue E'en
Nelson: Sailing South
Huws Jones: Seal Song