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Tango Duets (vl,vc/vla)
Hinta: 21,80
Carlos Gardel is one of the most significant figures in the history of the Tango. Now, string players will certainly welcome Diego Collati's arrangements of some of Gardel's most famous pieces. The arrangements retain all the alluring, captivating qualities of the originals and players will soon become familiar with the diverse and expressive characteristics of the genre. Suitable for intermediate-level players and beyond, these pieces will beguile both performers and their audience alike.
- Captivating classics by Carlos Gardel selected and arranged by Argentinian Tango specialist Diego Collatti. Experience the magnetic charms of the Tango with these intermediate-level arrangements
- Helpful musical notation ensures an authentic performance true to the diverse styles and nuances typical of the Tango
Gardel Carlos: Melodia de arrabal
Gardel Carlos: Por una cabeza
Gardel Carlos: El dia que me quieras
Gardel Carlos: Mi Buenos Aires querido
Gardel Carlos: Volver
- Captivating classics by Carlos Gardel selected and arranged by Argentinian Tango specialist Diego Collatti. Experience the magnetic charms of the Tango with these intermediate-level arrangements
- Helpful musical notation ensures an authentic performance true to the diverse styles and nuances typical of the Tango
Gardel Carlos: Melodia de arrabal
Gardel Carlos: Por una cabeza
Gardel Carlos: El dia que me quieras
Gardel Carlos: Mi Buenos Aires querido
Gardel Carlos: Volver