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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 (suljettu ma 6.1.2025) | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Concerto 3 c op 37 (pf,orch)(score)
Hinta: 44,00
Bärenreiter Urtext. Editor: Jonathan del Mar
Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 3 is the only concerto where no authentic manuscript exists for the solo part. The autograph of the score is available whereby the articulation, dynamics and pedal markings are for the most part absent. However, Beethoven oversaw the first printed edition of the solo part (1804) with great diligence. Plate corrections bear witness to the care with which Beethoven placed slurs and pedal markings in order to be consistent and unambiguous.
By means of a thorough examination of the sources this new Urtext edition presents many corrections in terms of articulation, dynamics and notes. In particular, the orchestral parts have been corrected for the first time since Beethovens lifetime.
- Urtext edition reflecting the latest musicological research
- With many corrections in the solo part and orchestral parts
- Piano reduction with a separate solo piano part
- A must for pianists, orchestras and Beethoven scholars
Beethovens Piano Concerto No. 3 is the only concerto where no authentic manuscript exists for the solo part. The autograph of the score is available whereby the articulation, dynamics and pedal markings are for the most part absent. However, Beethoven oversaw the first printed edition of the solo part (1804) with great diligence. Plate corrections bear witness to the care with which Beethoven placed slurs and pedal markings in order to be consistent and unambiguous.
By means of a thorough examination of the sources this new Urtext edition presents many corrections in terms of articulation, dynamics and notes. In particular, the orchestral parts have been corrected for the first time since Beethovens lifetime.
- Urtext edition reflecting the latest musicological research
- With many corrections in the solo part and orchestral parts
- Piano reduction with a separate solo piano part
- A must for pianists, orchestras and Beethoven scholars