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Rakastava-Die Liebende op 14 (Urtext)(score)
Hinta: 12,50
Sibelius composed the Kanteletar Rakastava texts first for male choir in 1894, he then added a string orchestra to the male choir, and finally, he made a version for mixed choir in 1898. In 1911-1912 he returned to Rakastava and arranged it for
string orchestra, timpani and triangle as op. 14. The string orchestra version shares some material with the choir versions, the string orchestra version in this publication has an elaborated texture strongly differing from the version
with choir. In his diary Sibelius writes: Op. 14 is one of my best works! Surely!
Both the early version (1911) and the final version (1912) are included in this score.
Parts available for sale.
string orchestra, timpani and triangle as op. 14. The string orchestra version shares some material with the choir versions, the string orchestra version in this publication has an elaborated texture strongly differing from the version
with choir. In his diary Sibelius writes: Op. 14 is one of my best works! Surely!
Both the early version (1911) and the final version (1912) are included in this score.
Parts available for sale.