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Luonnotar op 70 (Facsimile)(score)
Hinta: 124,40
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Sibeliuksen suurimuotoista sävelrunoa Luonnotarta pidetään yhtenä säveltäjän rohkeimmista teoksista. Sibeliuksen juhlavuoden kunniaksi Breitkopf & Härtel on julkaissut facsimile-laitoksen, joka sisältää sekä teoksen partituurin että pianopartituurin.
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The large orchestral song Luonnotar is considered as one of the boldest works of Jean Sibelius. This alone would be reason enough to print the autograph sources (full score and piano reduction) as a color facsimile for the Sibelius Anniversary Year 2015. In addition, the autograph score also has a special significance for the transmission: it ensured the survival of the entire work after World War II; the source material for the printer compiled by Breitkopf & Härtel had been destroyed in an air-raid bombing in 1943. The meticulously elucidated volume is the first complete facsimile edition of an orchestral work by Jean Sibelius - a milestone in Sibelius editorial history that meaningfully supplements the complete edition "Jean Sibelius Werke" as a truly special volume.
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The large orchestral song Luonnotar is considered as one of the boldest works of Jean Sibelius. This alone would be reason enough to print the autograph sources (full score and piano reduction) as a color facsimile for the Sibelius Anniversary Year 2015. In addition, the autograph score also has a special significance for the transmission: it ensured the survival of the entire work after World War II; the source material for the printer compiled by Breitkopf & Härtel had been destroyed in an air-raid bombing in 1943. The meticulously elucidated volume is the first complete facsimile edition of an orchestral work by Jean Sibelius - a milestone in Sibelius editorial history that meaningfully supplements the complete edition "Jean Sibelius Werke" as a truly special volume.
