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Canadian Brass Book of Advanced Quintets (tb)
Hinta: 14,20
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
* Fantasia & Fugue In D Minor
* Gaudeamus Igitur
* Gloria
* Go Down, Moses
* Grand March (Aida)
* Hallelujah, Amen
* Hodie, Christus Natus Est (Sweelinck)
* Hosanna To The Son Of David
* Jerusalem
* Joshua
* My Bonny Lass
* My Lord, What a Morning (Johnson)
* Now Is Th Month Of Maying(Morley
* Overture To H.M.S.Pinafore
* Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
* Trumpet Voluntary (Stanley J)
* We Hasten With Eager Footsteps (Bach)
* Where E'er You Walk (Handel)