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Intro to Polyrhythms (book+DVD)
Hinta: 39,40
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
- harjoituksia, joita voi soittaa millä tahansa instrumentilla, sekä erityisiä harjoituksia pianisteille, lyömäsoittajille ja basisteille
- kirjan harjoituksilla opiskelija parantaa improvisointitaitojaan ja -valmiuksiaan
- 36 sivua, mukana DVD
- englanninkielinen
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This book at rhythm through a magnifying glass and enables the student to see, sing and hear various subdivisions and groupings of subdivisions. Can be used by any and all instrumentalists. Will greatly improve the students improvisational ability to create and respond to rhythmic musical dialogue.
The book is complete with general exercises for all instrumentalists as well as specific exercises for pianists, bassists and drummers; a DVD with demonstrations of all the material from the book; improvised examples by Ari Hoenig and Johannes Weidenmueller in duo as well as trio with Aaron Goldberg; transcriptions on how to harmonically navigate through polyrhythm inside standard jazz forms; musical examples which can be watched, and used as a play along.
Explanation of Terms
Practice Tips
Eighth-Note Triplets
Eighth Notes
Quarter-Note Triplets in 4/4
Dotted Quarter Notes in 3/4
Dotted Quarter Notes in 4/4
Core Grooves
Displacing the Harmonic Rhythm
Chord Progressions
Suggested Listening
About the Authors
- kirjan harjoituksilla opiskelija parantaa improvisointitaitojaan ja -valmiuksiaan
- 36 sivua, mukana DVD
- englanninkielinen
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This book at rhythm through a magnifying glass and enables the student to see, sing and hear various subdivisions and groupings of subdivisions. Can be used by any and all instrumentalists. Will greatly improve the students improvisational ability to create and respond to rhythmic musical dialogue.
The book is complete with general exercises for all instrumentalists as well as specific exercises for pianists, bassists and drummers; a DVD with demonstrations of all the material from the book; improvised examples by Ari Hoenig and Johannes Weidenmueller in duo as well as trio with Aaron Goldberg; transcriptions on how to harmonically navigate through polyrhythm inside standard jazz forms; musical examples which can be watched, and used as a play along.
Explanation of Terms
Practice Tips
Eighth-Note Triplets
Eighth Notes
Quarter-Note Triplets in 4/4
Dotted Quarter Notes in 3/4
Dotted Quarter Notes in 4/4
Core Grooves
Displacing the Harmonic Rhythm
Chord Progressions
Suggested Listening
About the Authors