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World Music: Klezmer (2 melody instr in C/B/Es,acc,cb,perc)
Hinta: 39,10
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
As one of the worlds foremost authorities on Klezmer, the American Yale Strom brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to this volume. In addition to his extensive historical and performance notes, Yale Strom provides ensemble arrangements which will immediately transport players into the world of Klezmer with its unmistakeable melodies and sound patterns. Instructions on the improvisation of ornaments are provided. The CD featuring an authentic Klezmer band serves as a wonderful introduction and demonstration of this vital, joyful and sometimes melancholic music which is currently enjoying a huge revival.
Strom Yale: The Silver Crown
Traditional: Ma Yofes
Traditional: Romanian Hora
Traditional: Stoliner Nign
Strom Yale: Dorohoi Khusidl
Strom Yale: The Silver Crown
Traditional: Ma Yofes
Traditional: Romanian Hora
Traditional: Stoliner Nign
Strom Yale: Dorohoi Khusidl