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Avoinna ma-pe klo 11-18 (suljettu ma 6.1.2025) | puh. 020 7070443 | Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a B, 00100 HELSINKI |
Chronicles (string orch)(score,parts)
Hinta: 40,40
Ei varastossa. Toimitusaika 7-14 vrk.
Chronicles is a bold fanfare piece from popular composer Larry Clark. Its majestic, strong style will make even the youngest of string players sound great. Simple three-part writing and contemporary harmonies make this piece a winner, and every section of the orchestra gets a chance to play some of the important melodic material.
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- For string orchestras with as little as ten weeks of study
- All pieces limited to the use of the first three fingers on each string
- Limited instrumentation - Violin 2 and Viola the same part,
Cello and Bass the same part
- Simple rhythms of whole, half and quarter notes.
If eighth notes are used they are on the same pitch
- If pizzicato is used, there is rest given to give the young players
time to retake the bow
- Shorter pieces - length is a consideration for very young players
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- For string orchestras with as little as ten weeks of study
- All pieces limited to the use of the first three fingers on each string
- Limited instrumentation - Violin 2 and Viola the same part,
Cello and Bass the same part
- Simple rhythms of whole, half and quarter notes.
If eighth notes are used they are on the same pitch
- If pizzicato is used, there is rest given to give the young players
time to retake the bow
- Shorter pieces - length is a consideration for very young players