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Gems for Junior String Orchestras 2 (score,parts)
Hinta: 26,90
more Easy Repertoire for Young Players
This collection of seven pieces is intended for elementary string players embarking on orchestra rehearsals and performances for the first time. The rhythms and notes used in all parts are quite basic but overall give a very satisfying effect. The Violin 3 and Viola parts are the same. The Double Bass parts are optional. The optional Piano parts can be used in rehearsals or if any of the string parts are missing. The purchase of this book includes the right to reproduce the string and piano parts as required. This right does not extend to the full scores.
Russian Romp
Thrumpton Threadwell Morris Dance
Volga Boat Song
Matilda Kookaburra
Skye Boat Song
Raggle Taggle
New Boogie
This collection of seven pieces is intended for elementary string players embarking on orchestra rehearsals and performances for the first time. The rhythms and notes used in all parts are quite basic but overall give a very satisfying effect. The Violin 3 and Viola parts are the same. The Double Bass parts are optional. The optional Piano parts can be used in rehearsals or if any of the string parts are missing. The purchase of this book includes the right to reproduce the string and piano parts as required. This right does not extend to the full scores.
Russian Romp
Thrumpton Threadwell Morris Dance
Volga Boat Song
Matilda Kookaburra
Skye Boat Song
Raggle Taggle
New Boogie