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Classical Highlights (score,parts)
Hinta: 54,00
De Haske String Orchestra Series offers attractive pieces which have been specially composed and arranged for string orchestras. Students and teachers are treated to a great variety of musical styles. Each part presents a challenge to the player. Each book within this series comes with a CD containing demo tracks of each piece. Instrumentation (all levels): Violin 1 & 2, Viola (Violin 3), Cello, Double Bass (Cello 2) and Piano.
Classical Highlights is a collection of six arrangements of classical themes dating from 17th to 19th century. The parts have been kept easy and attractive; at the same time they stay close to the original.
Purcell: Rigaudon
Haydn: Andante aus der Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag
Händel: Menuett aus der Feuerwerksmusik
Beethoven: Allegro aus dem Violinkonzert
Mussorgski: Das große Tor von Kiew
Chabrier-Waldteufel: España
Classical Highlights is a collection of six arrangements of classical themes dating from 17th to 19th century. The parts have been kept easy and attractive; at the same time they stay close to the original.
Purcell: Rigaudon
Haydn: Andante aus der Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag
Händel: Menuett aus der Feuerwerksmusik
Beethoven: Allegro aus dem Violinkonzert
Mussorgski: Das große Tor von Kiew
Chabrier-Waldteufel: España